PLEASE TRY FIRST: If you need to solve nuisance barking, please try other training methods first before resorting to using a shock bark collar. Shock collars used improperly can result in injury to your dog.
If your dog is barking at the fence try this method which has worked with my barking Doberman. Every time you hear your dog barking at the fence, call him back inside. No shouting, no anger, and don’t use the COME command, pick a different word, like INSIDE. (You never want to poison the COME command or turn the COME command into a negative word.) When you call out ” INSIDE”, your dog will ignore you, this is to be expected, so go out and get him, and calmly bring him inside. Every time the dog barks, you go and bring him back to the house. Eventually, if you’re consistent, he’ll realize that if he barks, he’ll have to go back inside the house and he misses out on his barking fun. When my Doberman, starts barking, I call “inside” and walk to go get her. Obviously she doesn’t want to go inside so she’s learned to stop barking and lie down in the grass. So now my INSIDE command usually gets her to automatically lie in the grass. I didn’t even train her for that bonus behavior. It took weeks/months but this method worked for my noisy girl. Try it out. Yes, you need tons of patience and persistence, but that’s what a good dog trainer has.
We love having Dobermans dogs, but we also love quiet and having good relationships with our neighbors.
Unfortunately, some dogs do excessive barking. Normally when a dog barks, you should check it out. Maybe she’s barking for a good reason. Like the neighbors cat is suntanning in your yard or those pesky squirrels are stealing the birdseed again. I believe it’s the Dobermans’ job to bark at intruders on our property. We want them to bark when it’s appropriate. Unfortunately, some dogs for various reasons don’t seem to know when to stop.
Now before you all start lecturing me that using a shock collar is inhumane, please continue reading. I love dogs. Having said that although, dogs shouldn’t be allowed to do whatever they want and must learn what’s acceptable if they want to live with humans. Nuisance behaviors need fixing. People also need to respect their neighbors’ right to enjoy their property without constant noise issues.
Unfortunately, some people may have to resort to using an electric collar or shock collar, such as the Innotek training collar. I want to emphasize that these shock collars are a last result training option. But I would rather someone try everything humanely possible, including using these collars, instead of dumping their dog at a shelter.
I believe certain shock collars have their place (when used correctly) as an alternative dog training tool, especially for more difficult dogs. When all else fails, dog owners need a solution. Especially when the consequence is a possible home eviction, city noise-complaint ticket, or having to surrender their dog to an animal shelter.
Although I’m still not emotionally comfortable with this tool, I have used a shock collar in the past and it’s worked. The model I used had a remote control so you can carry it around your neck and give the negative reinforcement shock when the dog is barking. I tested the collar on myself, placing it around my arm and giving myself a shock. The good thing about my collar is that it had varying levels of shock intensity. I found level 3 was enough on my arm to get my attention, (it felt like an uncomfortable sting, not a painful shock). My dog seemed to need level 2-3 on her neck. Obviously start at the lowest level and work your way up. Some dogs are pretty sensitive, but if your dog has a very high prey drive or has thick fur, he might need a higher setting.
Whenever the dog barks excessively, press the shock button on the electronic collar remote. No yelling, no running after them, just a quick little shock to get their attention and stop their barking. Ideally, you don’t want them to associate the shock with you or the remote. The dog should just think, “Hmm, when I bark too much something feels uncomfortable”. Done deal, eventually, your dog should stop barking. These collars seem to have a really good distance range also (and they’re rechargeable). When starting out with these collars, you really should supervise the dog wearing them. You want to catch them in the act of barking, not before or after, and be consistent. Some shock collar remotes can work two dog collars at the same time. The difficult part is remembering to put the collar on before you let your dog out, keeping the remote on you, and keeping an eye or ear on your dog so you can catch him doing the barking.
I tried a different shock collar brand but stopped using it for a few reasons. You can find bark collars that will automatically give a shock whenever it senses a vibration (usually of the dog barking). What I found happening with these collars, was that the shock collar was getting set off at other times, not only when the dog was barking excessively. When two dogs play together, the movement of them jumping around can set off the shocker, not good. Also, there are times when the dog might bump into something and it can also go off. Finally, the shock level on some brands are too intense even at the low setting. I definitely would not recommend these automatic vibration sensing bark collars. Keep in mind that some dogs are more sensitive to pain than others. You want to control when and how much shock is given.
If you’re having problems with your dog, try out the remote control shock collar if nothing else has worked. Again I think it should be used as a last resort.
I’d love to hear your experiences with shock collars. I once met a lady who told me her dog shock collar left burn marks on her dog’s neck, (I don’t know what brand it was or why this happened). Did she leave the collar on her dog all day while she wasn’t home? Did it have intensity settings?
This bark collar model has many reviews and a good rating on Amazon. If you’re frustrated and need help it might be a good option for you. Click here to check it out.
Note: I have not received any compensation for writing this review post. I have no material connection to the product I have mentioned. This is solely my personal experience and unbiased opinion that I wish to share to help other dog owners. People need options when they have dogs with extremely problematic behaviors.
Have you had any good or bad results from shock training collars?
Pawious Dog Training Collar with Remote
I have used shock collars on all of my Dobermans. Dobermans are watch dogs and bark allot. My neighbor was complaining so I had to do something. I purchased an Innotek collar and I put it on the top setting and placed it against my arm and pushed the button. I will not BURN your dogs throat or neck. It does give a decent and attention getting feeling that says “HEY cut it out!” After a few uses my Doberman got the idea and when he wears it he is quite. But…once it comes off-back to barking. Dobermans are so smart! I do recommend this method over useless hollering, chasing, striking or taking the dog to surrender him. It does work and I consider it humane because it will not damage or burn the neck/throat. A good attention getter for the dog. After you use it, immediately yell NO BARKING or NO and dobie will get the message.
I’m having a lot of problems with my dog now. I’ve done everything and nothing stops him from disobeying me when he gets into his “zone”. Maybe he needs a firmer hand than I can give him, so a shock collar might be my last hope. I purchased one a long time ago and just looked at it. I didn’t have the heart to use it and so I did my best to resolve the problems myself. But I might be out of options. My dog has become fear aggressive and I’m afraid he might end up biting someone if I cannot get him under control. I’m really stressed out and bummed about this.
I’m sorry to hear you’re having some trouble with your dobe. Fear aggression and reactive dogs are challenging. I would suggest you get some help and try to find a good dog behavior trainer in your area.
We did an obedience course with our first, and second Dobermans that used electronic training collars, most people react badly if you call them shock collars by the way. BOTH dogs worked at a setting no one in my family could even feel, and if we were going out for a hike, as soon as I grabbed her leash, my female would bring the collar to me. When we were out walking I more often than not, ever even used it. Like any training method, you need to understand your tools and use them correctly, but I would NEVER hesitate to use one on my next Doberman.
I have a 1 yr old Doberman who has been to obedience school yet still takes off running and refuses to come when we call him. My fear is he will get ran over as we are working on a larger area for him. But in the meantime I don’t know what to do with him. I love him like my child and he is very smart he knows he shouldn’t but the more I call the faster he runs only to come back when he feels like it. Please give me some advice as my husband is ready to find another home for him
Kathy I’ll do a post on dogs running away later today hopefully.
To, Kirsten
Their is a product called crab boil, I’m not promoting Wal-Mart, crab boil is found in spice area in a bottle It’s a real hot liquid, when used in an ion spray bottle on anny thing that is precious to you, they will not likely touch it again, but you have to spray the solution slowly or else you can smell the intense aroma, it works very well without hurting the dog, so use it sparringly.
If the chewwing is the only problem, its much cheaper than a collar.
It works on things outside the house as well, but you may have to spray more often.
For the intense will , genius of our doberman as with most of the breed, they are more intellectually smarter than their owners.
That being said, without her wearing her collar everything gets destroyed, and I am with her 24/7 . So I know the second I turn my back to her she will turn and go for the remote control fore the tv, she has destroyed 4.
We have come to the conclusion , the only time she is well behaved, is when she is tired from a long training or exercise sessions. But Raven also knows when her collor is not on that she can get away with some indescribable bad behavior. With some efforts of my own, I’ve learned that by just holding the controlling device, without her wearing the receiver and giving her a command it works just as well.
I believe it is the best way and most humane for positive response training than any sources of corporal punishment.
Hitting or striking , especially a doberman is the fastest way to turn the most loving ; loyal breed on the planet, into a pit bull from hell !!. That will bite you, without remorse.
The training collars work.
Hi Kirsten,
also make sure your dog always has something fun to chew on, try different toys to find what she prefers and if you don’t have one get a kong. Stuff it with food and try freezing it to make it harder for her to get food out.
Also another suggestion maybe a second dog would help. Instead of getting active with your furniture, she can bug her roomate 🙂
I found this article very helpful. I have considered using an electric collar for a while now and was worried about the long term effects on my dog. I have a 2 yr old doberman who is very high strung and has a bad habit of chewing on nearly everything that she comes in contact with when she thinks I’m not watching. The sofa, walls, shoes, clothes, etc, are all items that she chews when not getting constant attention (expecially at bed time) Since verbal correction did not correct the problem and I didn’t want to crate her while I was home (she is crated durring the day, while I work)This left her the opprunitity to wreck havoc on my house. At first I thought the misbehavior came from my lack of attention to her, but even after daily long walks and hours in the dog park she still seemed to tear stuff up. Last weekend after reading this article (and several others- positive and negative) I purchaced the Innoteck Training Collar. I have already noticed her behavior improve. She hasn’t touched a sofa pillow and now stays in her bed all night. I wanted to show her that not only is her crate safe, but both myself(by my side) and her bed can be too, eventually I would like to be able to leave her out of the crate durring the day and this training method seems to be working. The Innoteck collar I purchaced also came with a training DVD on how to reinforce basic comands with the collar- She also seems to be improving with those too.
Be consistent. If you let your dog sometimes “get away” with bad behavior, your best friend will sense that you are a pushover and not a leader to respect.