Famous Doberman Owners

william shatner with his dobermanLet’s look at some famous Doberman owners. These are celebrities who actually own Dobermans and don’t just pose with them for photographs. Usually, we see celebrities with toy dogs that look more like fashion accessories than loved companions. And rarely do we see our beloved Doberman with a celebrity,  photographed by the paparazzi.  But of course, there are some famous people who own Dobermans, (some who have sadly passed away).

I think it’s interesting how diverse the people who love Dobermans are. This list is partially taken from Stanley Coren‘s book, “Why we love the dogs we do”, as well as various online research. If I missed anyone please let us know in the comments below.

If you’re looking for famous Dobermans in movies and tv, here’s a fun list of the most famous Dobermans.

Hunter S Thompson

famous dog owners writer hunter

Hunter S Thompson was a popular American writer who died in 2005.  He had several Dobermans and has included them in his books.  In Where The Buffalo Roam, Hunter had a Doberman named Bronco, who it’s rumored he trained to attack on the command word, “Nixon”.  When Mr. Thompson was alive he apparently raised peacocks and Dobermans. 

Beatrice Arthur

famous doberman owner Bea Arthur

Beatrice Arthur was an actress who played Dorothy on Golden Girls. She died in 2009.  She owned Dobermans, Jennifer, Emma, and Albert.

Jean-Christophe Novelli

famous chef with dobermans

French celebrity chef who is known to have a whole pack of Dobermans, 21 Dobes at one time!  This guy loves Dobermans. I wonder if he cooked for them also.

 Bela Lugosi

bela lugosi with his dobermans

Bela Lugosi, the actor best known for portraying Dracula.  One of his Dobermans was named Hector.

 Tanya Roberts

actress with doberman

Tanya Roberts, the actress from Sheena, Charlies’ Angels, and a Bond girl in A View to a Kill.  Her Dobermans are named  Catcher, Champ, and Huckleberry.

John F. Kennedy

doberman with president

35th American president with his Doberman Moe.

Raquel Welch

American actress, Raquel Welch also owned a Doberman.

Rudolph Valentino

famous silent film star with doberman

Rudolph Valentino, an actor in silent films in the ’20s. His Doberman was named Kabar.  It’s said that when Valentino died suddenly at the age of 31, his dog Kabar was upset and passed away six months later.

Victoria Principal

Victoria Principal, an actress from the tv series Dallas, owns Dobermans, China and Dyla.

William Shatner

william shatner with his doberman

Actor William Shatner, Captain Kirk of Star Trek fame. His Dobermans were: Kirk, Morgan, China, Heidi, Paris, Royale, Martika, Sterling, Charity, Bella, and Starbuck.

Forest Whitaker

The academy award-winning actor who was in Star Wars Rogue One and Black Panther. 

Nicolas Cage

white doberman ownerCaesar Millan has mentioned that Nicolas Cage,  owns a white Doberman.

Lance Ito

Lance Ito, American judge of the O.J. Simpson murder trial.  His Doberman is named Gillis.

Kevin Hart

kevin hart at home with doberman                                                                                                   kevin hart sleeping with pet dogfamous comedian dog ownerKevin Hart is an actor and comedian and a proud Doberman owner.  He frequently shows off his Dobes, Roxy and Roscoe.

Henrik Lundqvist

hockey player with dobeman at dinner table

New York Rangers hockey goalie having dinner with his Doberman. Strawberries?

Mariah Carey

mariah carey with her doberman on swing

Mariah Carey, the singer owned Dobermans, Duke and Princess.  You can see Princess in her music video, “All I want for Christmas is You”.


Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey has added this little Doberman puppy cutie to his family.

Sylvester Stallone

In 2017 Sylvester Stallone got a Doberman named Ace.

Kendall Jenner

celebrity famous doberman owner

Celebrity Kendall Jenner is seen here with her Doberman named Pyro.

19 thoughts on “Famous Doberman Owners”

  1. I have owned the most beautiful red female, that grew up with my four daughters! Her name was Jinja kyann Peppa! My girls loved her and she loved them. Since she’s been gone my husband and I owned 5! 2 miniatures and 3 regular size ones! We are seniors now looking for a puppy to love and care for! RED FEMALE PUPPY !

  2. i have a two year old black and tan 100 lb. dobi that loves to play with every dog at the dog park. its really hard to watch because they play so rough. Her best friend is a 14 lb. jack russell that they play just as rough, their best friends. my dogs name is elli ..

    • I have a Doberman just under three years old, he is 108 lbs loves everyone at dog camp. His best buddy is our female Jack Russell, Lucy – 18 lbs and feisty any other Jack. The two of them play rough but have never hurt each other.

  3. Lost my boy Dalmatian a few weeks ago. Broken hearted missing him. Researching Dobermans because he was very sophisticated and self disciplined and Dals are kind of hit and miss with those qualities. It’s too soon but several friends and family are suggesting Dobies. I love reading your comments about them.

  4. I would be dead, if it wasn’t, for our last Doberman, Erin was her name. We had 6 rescued doberman,s Erin was our fifth. We had Erin for just two weeks, good as gold….then she changed over night. Would not leave. She was more than a Velcro’s girl, just drove me wild. To cut it short, I had cancer and she found it. Her way with me, woke me up to worry, and she was right. These dogs are more than special, I took her to the hospital for them to see her. They were already saying they had never seen one like her. Well they had now. I miss her so much! I am using this, as my husband lets me , so don’t think I am Bruce, because I,m not

  5. I have owned dobermans since the 70’s. Bear, Butch, Sadie, and now Jeb, who will be 5 years old next month. I love dobermans so much! They are great family dogs. They are smart, velcro dogs. Doberman owners will know what I’m talking about! Lol!

    • My family has had Dobermans since the ‘70’s, too! My husband and I decided when we bought our first house to have Dobermans. We’ve owned 5 since then. We won’t own any other breed.

  6. I have a 12-year-old black and brown Dobie named Saphira, and she’s the most cuddly and playful thing in the world. even though she’s old, she still acts like she’s 2. she runs, she eats her food in one gulp(lol), and loves to play around.

  7. Had a great Dobie years ago, “Ren”….one of the nicest dogs I’ve ever had. In a couple days, I’ll be adopting a new one: He is a 2-yr old from “PROJECT DELTA Service Dogs”. He is 100% health screened & completely obedience trained. He was being trained for a quadriplegic vet, but he flunked out of the program for 1 reason: He is afraid of elevators!!! I kid you not!! So now I have the opportunity to have a young, healthy, trained, 80-lb lap dog 🙂 It couldn’t happen at a better time (my elderly Blk Lab recently died). “Thrax”, soon to be “Max”, will be my constant companion….many adventures ahead (but not near any elevators!! HA! HA!).

  8. My husband and I have had three Dobermans- two black/tan ones,30 years ago and four years ago we got a red/ tan Doberman named Jake. So loyal and smart- we loved them all!

  9. We have a Black and Tan girl named Georgia. The best dog in the world. She is 10 years old and I don’t know how I would live without her!

  10. There is no greater dog in the world! I own a black male named Vader and a red female named Leia. They are the smartest, loyal and most regal of all breeds. I am not a dog person, I am a Doberman person!!!

  11. I owned a Doberman Female named Metika Spyroukis sired by Ch. Dobe Dells Danny Boy owned by Mr. Shatner some years ago, seeing his dobies reminded me so much of her.. I now breed dobies and enjoy them so much.

  12. I own a 11 yr old Doberman , I have had him since he was 8 weeks old . It is the best dog . He has babysat my 3 children and all there friends since they were toddlers. My whole neighborhood loves him . He is highly intelligent, loving and protective. He just forgets that he’s 108 pounds and stands 5 feet tall on his hind legs. He thinks he’s a lap dog . I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

  13. I love dobermans since 1982. I train them and they are one of the smartest dog on then planet. Candy sue Pailer


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